Rose Sabbagh
Innovation Africa is an Israeli based organization that brings Israeli solar power technology to villages in Africa, in order to provide them with clean water. Their water pumping system creates an immediate impact on the community’s quality of life. The African village of Bumayi currently uses an unsafe reservoir for daily water consumption. The small things we take for granted, like bathing, cooking, and drinking clean water are privileges that these people don’t have. Being able to provide clean water to these people is a beautiful Kidush Hashem for Israel- to be such a young nation and still be able to improve the lives of others. I will be raising $10,000 and traveling to Uganda with the SCC to be a part of this life changing experience and bring clean water to 1400 people. Please donate to help us change the world and give the gift of clean water!
Click here to watch a short video on the amazing work Innovation Africa is doing.