January 2023
Sports, games, crafts, tumbling and more fun play to keep the kids moving. Sunday, Jan. 8 & 15, 2:30–4 PM Nursery- 2nd Grade Price: $60; Center member price: $45 per day January 8 Codes: N-Pk: 11909 K-2: 11910 January 15 Codes: N-Pk: 11911 K-2: 11912
Sports, games, crafts, tumbling and more fun play to keep the kids moving. Sunday, Jan. 8 & 15, 2:30–4 PM Nursery- 2nd Grade Price: $60; Center member price: $45 per day January 8 Codes: N-Pk: 11909 K-2: 11910 January 15 Codes: N-Pk: 11911 K-2: 11912